Family class immigration to Canada
Foreign nationals may be selected as members of the Family Class on the basis of
their relationship to a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident. Canadian citizens
(including those residing abroad with the intention to return to Canada to reside)
and permanent residents (restricted to those residing in Canada, only), age eighteen
and over, may sponsor the following members of the Family Class (subject to meeting
eligibility requirements):
- their spouse
- their common-law/same-sex partner
- their conjugal partner
- their dependent children under age twenty-two (22)
- their dependent children age twenty-two (22) and over (if they are full-time
(15 hours per week or more) students, mentally or physically disabled and dependent
on their parents)
- children adopted or to be adopted by them, or under their guardianship
- parents
- grandparents
- other prescribed family members (i.e. last remaining family member under
humanitarian and compassionate grounds where it is warranted).
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